What is airspace development?

Airspace is the space above your building which belongs to the property owner. Building in this space requires planning permission and will be building on top of the top floor. Many landlords across London are looking at ways they might expand their investment and existing property portfolio; the ‘airspace’ of their buildings is an untapped resource for them to do so.

How difficult is it to build in a building’s airspace and create a new top floor?

Modern building techniques have made building a new top floor or developing the airspace of a building, a great deal easier. We carry out a detailed site assessment of your property to see whether a new floor can be introduced and will process your application through planning. We will also provide you with a detailed cost plan and even provide you with a lump sum towards the refurbishment of the common parts. In fact, we take away most of the trouble and pain. Once you have planning agreement and we have a contract in place we will oversee and manage the building work, typically the entire process may take 12 to18 moths to complete and build, once a planning application has been submitted for approval.

What are the benefits of developing your airspace?

There are clear financial rewards for unlocking the airspace above your building and creating a new floor. There is also the opportunity to refurbish the common parts of the building and upgrade the living conditions for all the tenants that live there.  Actual sums will be dependent on the size of the footprint, where the property is, whether planning is received, the quality and size of each apartment and the design and finish (and views) of any new homes created.

How is rooftop development carried out?

Modern building techniques allow new top floor premises to be built using modular components built off-site, transported and installed in relatively short timescales and with less on-site disruption – and less cost than was previously possible. In most circumstance no fixed cranes are required and the build programme on site is far less     than a new build.

Will my property go up in value?

The short answer is yes. Every building that we have refurbished and installed a new floor, luxury apartments or affordable homes, has increased in value. Because we combine refurbishment works and we can also provide a lump sum towards this   element of the project, both Landlords and leaseholders benefit from the work.

What permission are required?

Planning permission is required, and a period of 3 to 4 months should be allowed within the programme after a detailed site assessment of your building. The detailed site assessment may take 6 – 8 weeks and will determine whether your building is suitable for another floor to be built on top of the top floor.

What are the benefits of Modular construction?

Modularity enables components of the new build to be manufactured off site and scaled up to meet different site requirements; be easily transported and made up on site in less time and with less labour than building on site. It means that new floor costs less to build, can be built to more exacting standards and be Health & Safety compliant when delivered.

Why are Rooftop Developments so popular?

Rooftop developments are a relatively new concept in the creation of new homes across London. As we run out of land to develop, airspace has become a valuable alternative in creating new homes and encouraging landlords to unlock their airspace.

The financial returns for both the landlord and the leaseholders are very obvious as the value of the buildings and the properties within them increase in value – sometime dramatically.

What type of residential development are possible with rooftop development?

Most apartment types are possible in rooftop developments. We have built luxury Penthouse, high quality duplex apartments and affordable homes – all variables are possible, and all have incredible views which we endeavour to maximise on every project we undertake.

Are there other ways you can help increase the value of my property?

Imperial Penthouse Ltd can provide a large lump sum towards the refurbishment costs of the common parts of your building without increasing the cost of the works to the top floor. Please do not hesitate to contact us for further details – or. If you would like us to carry out a detailed assessment of your building to see whether you can build a top floor on your building and benefit financially, please do not hesitate to contact us – we would be delighted to help.

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Imperial Penthouse Ltd
Devonshire House, 60 Goswell Road, London EC1M 7AD
